Horse Trainer Martin Black

By September 6, 2009 Cowboys, Trainers


Horse trainer Martin Black is one of the most respected cowboys around. He recently had a bad accident when he got between a bull and a wire fence (the bull won) but is mending well. Our best wishes go out to him.

I think he’s a 4th generation cowboy and grew up with his family in Idaho where he cowboyed and rode in rodeos. The family has owned the same ranch since 1865(!). As a teenager he decided to work on other ranches to expand his experience and spent time in California, Nevada and Idaho primarily working cattle. In his early 20s he realized that horses were his passion and he began to specialize on training them (and their owners) and these days starts 400 colts a year. His brand is the Y6 and he is based in Sanger, Texas although he spends a lot of time at other ranches.

Martin Black mug shotMartin also hosts the Horsemanship School (formerly known as the Apprenticeship Program) at his home ranch in Sanger, Texas which runs February – March which has an emphasis on colt starting. He also conducts a Summer Ranch School at the historic Alvord Ranch near Burns, Oregon.

He has half a dozen videos in various aspects of horsemanship with the latest being the excellent Classic Rodea Style Ranch Roping with Martin Black (which you can get on his website). The website also sells tack that he recommends, focusing on traditional rawhide vaquero type items.

MBbrandingFrom his website:
“What he looks for isn’t just a style or particular method, but what works for the horse. “If it works there must be a reason why, if it doesn’t work there must be a reason why.” If we can understand what caused or prepared the horse to react or respond in the manner they do, whether it is desirable or not, then we may learn to identify and influence the action of the horse in what we think is a positive and productive way. If we can properly identify the problem and the cause, then eliminate the cause; the problem will go away. Don’t look for solutions, look for the cause. Solutions will generally glorify or financially benefit someone else, and the horse pays the price. If the cause remains so can the problem.”

If you ever get a chance to attend one of his clinics or see him do demonstrations I highly recommend doing so.

You can visit Martin’s website HERE.

If you have problems seeing the video below click HERE.
