Billy Bob Tennison

By April 19, 2009 Cowboys

Billy Bob Tennison

Billy Bob Tennison
Everyone has been influenced by a few special people in their life. For me, one of those people was Billy Bob Tennison who died in 2007. Born in 1929 Billy didn’t start out as a cowboy although he was raised in Texas. He served in the Navy, got a masters degree from Texas A&M in food technology and worked at the Southland Corporation (7-11 stores) contributing to the development of the famous Slurpee.

After retirement he moved with wife Vaughn to Gardnerville, Nevada and became a full time cowboy although travel and restoring WWII jeeps were also passions. Billy was one of those people who is incredibly accessible emotionally and after a five minute conversation you believe he’s one of your best friends. And he probably felt the same way about you. I was lucky to meet him in the 1990s and he quietly taught me more about horses and cowboy skills than anyone else I’ve ever met. Just a wonderful extremely generous man who could ride with the best of them. I have a pair of chaps and a saddle bag that he made for me. Some of my most valued possessions. I miss him.

One Comment

  • Tookie Sue says:

    Thanks for the wonderful tribute to my father, Richard. I Googled his name today in an effort to find some Navy information related to him and found your blog. It’s always great to hear how he touched the Souls of others.

    Chantel Tennyson