Good Ol’ American Know How for Curing the Good Ol’ American Hangover

By February 10, 2014 Uncategorized


This is for an unnamed good friend (you know who you are) who may have done a little too much partying Saturday night.

“Drinking rabbit-poop tea was a famous cure for a Texas-sized cowboy hangover in the Old West. Yes, you heard right – tea made of rabbit pellets.

“Now scientifically speaking, bunny manure on average consists of 2.5% Nitrogen, 1.4% Phosphoric Acid and 0.6% Potassium.

“Most don’t see anything in that concoction mixture that could actually aid what’s ailing you the morning after some ranch hand has had few too many shots of whiskey.”


And if that doesn’t work, in honor of the Olympics try this Russian cure.

“A Russian cure for the morning after was allegedly discovered by Tsar Nicholas II, and is called “Nikolashka”. You take a slice of lemon, put a teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of coffee on top, and eat in one bite.

“The Russians also claim one of the best remedies for hangovers is to simply drink the juice squeezed from a cucumber. Not sure how you do that exactly, but Vodka literally means water in Russian, so who are we to second-guess?

“Finally, many Russians swear that eating a pickle the next morning is an old standby for alleviating the pain of a hangover. We are not sure whether it’s a dill or sweet or some other kind, but if we had to pick from everything on this list we’d go here first.”