Sally Swift leaves us

By April 3, 2009 Trainers

Sally SwiftOne of the most famous clinicians of our time, Sally Swift, passed away on Thursday April 2nd. Born in 1913 Sally became famous for the horse riding concept of “centered riding” when she published her first book in 1985.

From her website: “Centered Riding® is based on a knowledge of human and horse anatomy, balance, movement, and on understanding how the mind affects the body and how both affect the horse. It uses centering and grounding techniques from the oriental martial arts, along with body awareness, mental imagery and sports psychology. Through increasing body awareness, inhibiting old patterns, and replacing them with a more balanced, free, and coordinated use of self, both horse and rider can move more freely and comfortably, and develop their best performance.”

Her ideas have helped tens of thousands become better riders and made horses happier because they finally understood what their rider wanted. She left behind a strong organization that certifies instructors, puts on clinics and will continue to spread the word. I was lucky to see her speak on several occasions and admired both her spirit and her knowledge. A special lady who will be missed.

The Centered Riding® website is at

(photo of Sally was taken by Wendy Murdoch)