Friends of Rodeo

By August 18, 2009 Cattle, Competition, Horses


From the Friends of Rodeo website:
By Linda Burdick, Executive Director

“Rodeo’s history is dotted with random charges of cruelty to animals – charges that rodeo people considered to be absurd and that most found easy to disregard as relevant or important.

“Concerns among some escalated, however, with what appeared to be a growing media acceptance of animal “rights” positions as the standard for animal welfare during the 1980’s.

“Individuals came forward to represent rodeo’s position at various times of need throughout the years, but when a federal bill (H.R. 3252, an amendment to the Animal Welfare Act) was introduced in August 1991 that would have, if passed, instituted an unprecedented amount of red tape, restriction and regulation on rodeo and that many felt meant the end of rodeo, two team roping friends in Texas conceived of the idea of an organization dedicated to protecting rodeo.

friends of rodeo logo copy“They managed to make the idea a reality with the formation of Friends of Rodeo which debuted October 5, 1992, in Dallas with a social event and meeting attended by 40 plus representatives of over a dozen different rodeo associations.

“Bob Ragsdale of Chowchilla, California, was elected by the Texas organizers as president of Friends of Rodeo. Since he also became the main spokesperson for the organization, it made sense to establish a California office as the headquarters for Friends of Rodeo where it remains today under the executive direction of Linda Burdick.

“While Friends of Rodeo works closely with representatives of rodeo associations on animal welfare issues, it is an entity separate from any association and offers an opportunity for anyone from rodeo leaders to contestants to fans who wish to protect rodeo to become involved in the effort. All are welcome.

“All in all, Friends of Rodeo has seen many changes and continues to be the only organization of its type – a non-profit, non-partisan, grass roots membership based organization that the rodeo world has on its side to protect and preserve the future of the sport and our Western Heritage!”

You can get more information at their website Friends of Rodeo.