Cowboy Shooting

By April 20, 2009 Firearms

Palm Springs Shooting Club

Anything western seems to be of great interest and in recent years there has been a new sport invented called “cowboy shooting”. These are competitive events all around the country where people dress in period clothing and shoot period or replica pistols and rifles at either stationary targets or sometimes from horseback at balloons. Blanks and black power bullets are used in different events. Both are timed and accuracy counts. It really is fun to watch and a lot more difficult than it looks.

black power shootingThere are all sorts of local groups doing this and at least two national organizations that I’m aware of. The Single Action Shooting Society seems to be the biggest but the Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association is also well known.

Anyone can join, just requires the right clothes and weapons both of which they’ll help you with. And it’s a sport where women are equal to men, only their costumes are a lot better.