There are a couple of outstanding western shows & auctions every year and Brian Lebel’s Cody Old West Show & Auction is one of the best. This year is the 20th anniversary and it will be held in Denver June 26-28 at the huge Denver Merchandise Mart.
Brian opened Old West Antiques in 1981 in downtown Cody, Wyoming. The store was the first of kind with an inventory of true old west artifacts for the serious collector and he is regarded as one of the best experts.
From his show website this year: “Includes such items as: rare photographs, vintage posters, advertising, & scarce historical western artifacts; the finest in Cowboy & Indian antiques & artifacts, bits and spurs, chaps, firearms, beaded items; fine western art and decorative items.”
Even if I can’t attend I order the great color catalog every year just to learn about all of the auction items.
This year’s auction will feature a number of personal possessions of the legendary Old West sharpshooter and superstar, Annie Oakley. Among the never-before available items are Annie’s wedding ring, traveling trunks, and home furnishings, and family photographs obtained directly from her family descendents.
To get information about the show click on Cody Old West Show & Auction.