Horsenality – Personality of Horses

By December 8, 2011 Trainers

Trainer Linda Parelli (Pat Parelli’s wife) came up with an idea of how to classify horse types and how to best deal with them. Pat seemed to do this naturally and Linda was interested in trying to document a system that others could use.

From their website:

“Horsenality™” is the term that Pat Parelli coined to refer to his system of understanding horses through their basic personality types. A combination of the words “horse” and “personality,” Horsenality™ is a convenient way to talk about horse psychology in the Parelli Natural Horsemanship method of horse training.

“One of the main goals of the Parelli program is to help horse owners understand their horse’s individual personality and to educate humans about how to teach their horses in the ways that are most effective for each personality type.

“The Parelli natural horse training Horsenality™ system helps students quickly identify a horse’s innate character. Students can then create instant rapport and achieve great results by knowing what’s uniquely important to that individual horse. This approach to understanding horses helps horses – and their humans – become more balanced, centered and confident.

“Understanding Horses

“The journey starts with understanding the basic nature of your horse. Horses are prey animals, hunted in nature. Safety is their primary concern and fear is their primary reaction. They are herd animals who look to their “alpha” for leadership. Understanding even these basics can transform your frustration with a horse as you learn to step into his shoes and see the world from his point of view as well as become his trusted leader.

“The next step in the journey to understanding your horse is to determine his or her individual personality type. Within the Parelli method of horse training, horse personality – or “Horsenality™” is divided into these main categories:

> Extroverted
> Introverted
> Left-Brain
> Right-Brain

“Extroverted horses tend to:

have high energy
have more “go”
be quick
have a tendency to run

“The Introverted horse exhibits these qualities:

low energy
more “whoa”
has a tendency to stop

“Right-Brain horses tend to be:

not confident

“The Left-Brain horse tends to be:


“Horse personalities come in these combinations:

Right-Brain Extrovert
Right-Brain Introvert
Left-Brain Extrovert
Left-Brain Introvert

“Each Horsenality™ and its unique characteristics, motivators, needs, wants, desires, behaviors, etc. have been studied in depth, including the leadership strategies that streamline the training of each horse personality.

“For the first time in history you can generate a detailed report that reveals your horse and take your relationship and success to the next level! This 40+ page personalized report is totally focused on your horse. Learn why certain Games and Patterns can be more challenging, set play sessions up for success, understand strengths and solve problems with more clarity.

“For more information about this natural horsemanship method of understanding horses study the Parelli Horsenality™ Chart (PDF), or learn more from our Horsenality™ DVD.”

You can get more information at their website by clicking HERE.