If you follow the Professional Bull Riders (PBR) you know the name Jeff Robinson. Jeff is the top stock contractor and has really built an empire Bulls are scored every ride, regardless of whether the rider makes 8 seconds. Scoring by each judge is a maximum of 25 points for…
If you are near New Mexico October 8-10 this year I highly recommend attending the Lincoln County Cowboy Symposium that takes place at Ruidoso Downs Race Track in Ruidoso. New Mexico plays host to the nation’s finest cowboy poets, musicians (including the world famous Texas Playboys), chuck wagon cooks, western…
Two years ago my wife Kathy and myself were privileged to visit the annual Crow Nation Indian reservation for their annual gathering. This year’s Crow Fair is August 19-23. The Crow, also called the Absaroka or Apsáalooke, are a Siouan-language tribe of Native Americans who historically lived in the Yellowstone…
Today’s guest blog is by Linda Kohn Sheerwood and first appeared on the High Noon monthly e-newsletter. (to sign up for the excellent newsletter click HERE) The phone calls, the distraught baby boomers, all declared that this was the end of the Roy Rogers legacy. The museum was closing and…
Ted Robinson and Todd Crawford are proposing a new cow horse class for the National Reined Cow Horse Association and the National Stock Horse Association. If you have problems seeing the video below click HERE. youtube::u9RlExSMoxo::