

Air Bag Vests For Riders

By | Equipment, Horses

By KATIE THOMAS Published in the New York Times August 23, 2010 Spectators gasped and expected the worst when the horse ridden by Karim Florent Laghouag somersaulted over a fence and fell on top of him at a prestigious equestrian competition last September in France. Doug Payne demonstrated how an…

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Roping Dummies

By | Equipment

No, I am not talking about people who rope. Although some of them may be ……. A roping dummy is a metal or plastic simulated calf or cow. It may only have a fake head and horns, or it may try to simulate the head, front and back feet of…

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Stirrup Length

By | Equipment, Tack

Today’s blog entry was written by Anne Palmer First off, stirrup length on your western saddle is a matter of your own preference. What feels comfortable to you might not feel good to someone else. Do you like to ride more relaxed with longer stirrups out trail riding all day,…

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Inside A Covered Wagon

By | Equipment

by Robin Flinchum The inside of a pioneer wagon, or ‘prairie schooner’ as they were often called, was designed first for utility and then for comfort. Enough supplies to last the occupants for up to six months had to be packed into an area usually ten feet long and four…

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