I’m a big Templeton Thompson fan and here’s a new side of her. If you have problems seeing the video below click HERE. youtube::jSlqtM7yRTs::
Roy Rogers sings “A Four-Legged Friend” while Trigger dances in the hilarious Bob Hope film, “The Son of Paleface”. If you have problems seeing the video below click HERE. youtube::hkg2C_EIea0::
Roy Rogers, Gabby Hayes, Bob Nolan and The Sons of the Pioneers sing “COWPOKE POLKA” while Dale Evans watches. From their 1944 film, LIGHTS OF OLD SANTA FE. This song was written by Tim Spencer, one of the members of “The Sons of the Pioneers”. If you have problems seeing…
If you have problems seeing the video below click HERE. youtube::-6KwZDyR5Kg::
Two years ago I posted a video of Elton John singing about Roy Rogers. It was in filmed in 2008 and you can see it by clicking HERE. But today I found another one filmed in 1977 with a very young Elton John. If you have problems seeing the video…