Most cowboys are familiar with Grijalva bits. Bear State Vaquero is a great place to buy authentic Juan Grijalva and Ricardo Valencia-Grijalva bits, son and grandson of one of the most famous vaquero-style bit-makers that ever lived, Eduardo Grijalva. These Mexican made bits are some of the best you can…
Today’s blog entry was written by Anne Palmer First off, stirrup length on your western saddle is a matter of your own preference. What feels comfortable to you might not feel good to someone else. Do you like to ride more relaxed with longer stirrups out trail riding all day,…
You may not be familiar with a great magazine and website called the Eclectic Horseman owned and edited by my friend Emily Kitching and her husband Steve Bell. Eclectic: 1 : selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles 2 : composed of elements drawn from…
Many people prefer Australian style saddles because they weigh less (so are easier to handle) and are comfortable. You see a lot of them with people who only do trail rides and don’t need a big heavy saddle for work. From the Down Under saddle Supply website: “When Australia was…
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