I live near Santa Fe, New Mexico and our home looks over the beautiful Galisteo Basin. I often ride in the Galisteo Basin Preserve run by my friend Ted Harrison. It is only a couple of hundred yards from our property and I thought this article by Sue Murphy was…
By Heidi Nyland with Julie Goodnight Photograph above by Heidi Nyland First appeared on MyHorse.com Do you dread seeing a steep hill on the trail? Do you worry that your horse will speed up too much to gain momentum going up or to move down without restraint? Do you feel…
If you enjoy going out with your horse and riding trails this is the organization for you. From their website: “The purpose of ATHA, Inc. is to provide our trusted and beloved Trail Companions the chance to become recognized in the Horse Community. Considering the majority of equines are of…
A horse’s age is obviously based on his birthdate but for horse competitions January 1st is used. Any horse born between January 1 and December 31 has the same age. Obviously that almost year of growth can make a lot of difference in some situations. I don’t know how that…
In 1821 William Becknell started moving goods along an informal trail from Franklin, Missouri to Santa Fe, New Mexico and others soon followed. In 1846 US Cavalary troops used the trail to invade New Mexico as the Mexican-American War began. The original path was created by Spaniards finding ways to…