

Nature Park Rides in Abruzzo and Majella Italy

By | Horses, Travel

The Hidden Trails organization offers great high quality horseback trips to dozens of places around the world. If you’re looking for an exciting summer vacation horse trip please check them out. Here’s one in Italy that sounded great to me. 8 days, 7 nights. All food, accommodations, horses, tack included….

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Five Places For Fans Of Horses

By | Horses, Travel

By Jill K. Robinson, Special to The Chronicle San Francisco Chronicle January 9, 2011 It may have started with a plastic pony collection when you were a kid, a trip to the races or a ride along the beach. Whether we’re lured to the wild spirit of the mustangs of…

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Horse Back Riding Vacation in Iceland

By | Horses, Travel

I’ve written before about Icelandic Horses and here is vacation information about riding them. If you have problems seeing the video below click HERE. youtube::J5aw4DpQb2A:: Here is a travel company that can arrange things for you. You can get their information by clicking HERE.

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