Dr. Rick Funston, University of Nebraska-Lincoln beef reproductive physiologist, presented webinar on planning for successful use of estrus synchronization in beef heifers and cows. Current protocols and management strategies to optimize pregnancy rates through the use of estrus synchronization were discussed. If you have problems seeing the video below click…
Dr. Matt Spangler, University of Nebraska-Lincoln extension beef genetics specialist, presented this webinar December 4, 2012. The webinar focuses on utilizing EPDs in the selection of sires to make genetic progress and to meet producers goals. If you have problems seeing the video below click HERE. youtube::eaz7MNIs3K4::
Extension Beef Cattle Specialists in the Department of Animal Science at Texas A&M AgriLife Extension talk about beef cattle nutrition and considerations in feeding cattle. If you have problems seeing the video below click HERE. youtube::CbT5cC0U5Rw::
By Carolyn Jones From the San Francisco Chronicle It took 90 years for Thea Murphy to get on a horse, but about 30 seconds to fall in love. “I’ll be sore tomorrow, but it doesn’t matter. It’ll make me remember Katy,” a beaming Murphy said Friday afternoon at a Petaluma…
From Facts About Beef Myth: Big beef uses antibiotics without regard for animal welfare or human health. Facts: Antibiotics are just one tool beef farmers and ranchers use to keep cattle healthy by treating and preventing the spread of illness. Cattle can pick up illnesses, just like humans, whether they’re…