Last year I wrote about the historical Wyatt Earp Adventure Ride and this year the group plans that ride again plus several other interesting ones.
Rides for 2011 are:
Billy the Kid’s Regulator Ride in Lincoln, New Mexico.
Butch Cassidy’s “Hole in the Wall Ride” in Johnson County,Wyoming
Custer’s Ride to Glory in Little Big Horn, Montana
Jeremiah Johnson’s Jackson Hole Wilderness Ride in the Teton Wilderness, Wyoming
Wyatt Earp’s Vendetta Ride in Tombstone, Arizona
Bob Boze Bell, Executive Editor of True West magazine leads the rides and there is usually a historian who can provide background and great stories.
Riders are on horseback during the day – horses, tack, and food are included and anyone is welcome, even those who have never ridden before. Participants are encouraged to wear period clothing and typically come back to a local hotel every night to sleep.
Great fun and interesting adventure!
You can get more information at their website by clicking HERE.