How To Identify The Real Cowboy

By February 16, 2013 Cowboys


My brother John found this on Cowboy Calf Roping.

“An old cowboy and a young buckaroo were workin’, ridin’ fence
The old hand was testin’ the kid – on his skill and common sense
He said “Son, if you seen three men in a pickup truck,
dressed alike from boot to hat,
could you tell which one was the real cowboy,
just from where he sat?”

The kid scratched his head awhile and then he said
“Well, there ain’t no way to know”.
The old hand grinned and then he said
“Kid, you’ve still got a ways to go.
The real cowboy’s the one in the middle.
He ain’t there just by fate.
‘Cause first he don’t have to drive, and then
he don’t have to mess with the gate”…