More Early Pictures of Cowboy Richard

By March 18, 2010 Cowboys

Back in December I posted some early pictures and got a lot of feedback asking if there were more.

As many of you know my father passed on last month and one of my tasks as eldest son has been to go through all of his family pictures. In that process I found a few more you might like.

You can see the original posting by clicking HERE.

Richard age 2

Cowboy Richard age 4

Brother John age 2 and Richard age 4

Richard age 5 (I loved that paper horse) and brother John age 3

Richard age 5 at our cousin’s ranch

John and Richard at Crash Corrigan’s Corriganville Ranch July 1950

Richard and John ready for a gun fight July 1950

Crash Corrigan showing Richard the right way to hold the rope coils in his left hand (I can vividly remember it)

More Crash Corrigan

A real overnight campout (well, it was Menlo Park, California). The “horse” boxes came from my grandfather Everett Runyon who was a Vice President at Del Monte foods.