My good friend Charles Fry sent me this.
This is a recent email sent regarding the cattle trains at Helen Springs Station.
There are interesting statistics.
There are 17 trucks with 3 trailers and 2 decks per trailer;
Therefore there are 102 decks of cattle and there would be approximately
28 cattle per deck; This totals 2,856 head of cattle
The cattle will weigh approximately 500kg each (1102.3 lbs.)
The sale price for cattle at Longreach is approx. 165c/kg (75c/lb.)
Each animal will therefore be sold at $825.
Total revenue from this analysis is $2,356,200
Another interesting fact:
Each trailer has 24 tyres plus a dolly with 8 tyres
The truck plus lead trailer have 12 tyres plus a dolly with 8 tyres and 10 tyres on the truck
For the 72 truck/trailer combos there are 6,192 tyres on the road