Back in November I wrote that the Roy Rogers Museum was closing.
From the High Noon website:
The definitive and final sale of the important and iconic property from the museum will be sold this July. This sale will include Edward H Bohlin silver parade saddles, Roy’s autographed sports memorabilia, costuming (Nudie’s and other clothing from TV and film, hats, boots, traveling trunks), family and personal photos, fishing gear, badges, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans toys and children’s clothing, trophies and awards. Highlights include the family dining table hand-made by George Montgomery with complete set of family Wallace china, Dale Evans’ charm bracelet chronicling 40 years of her life, legendary silver dollar and longhorn adorned Nudies Of North Hollywood convertible Bonneville that Roy & Dale used in special appearances, and the famous Nellybelle jeep from the 1950s TV show. The museum’s most popular attraction and perhaps most iconic pieces to be sold are Trigger, arguably the most famous horse of all time, plus stars Buttermilk and Bullet. In a statement by Linda Kohn Sherwood, co-owner of High Noon, she expressed the sentiments of this project: “While it is true that the Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Museum (Branson, MO) has closed, much to disappointment of not only the Rogers family but of all his millions of fans, the dispersal of these artifacts will spread the joy, memories and cowboy heritage from inside its walls out into the hearts and homes of people all over the world.” Call (310) 202-9010 or email High Noon (info@highnoon.com) to request a catalog and receive updated information.