
Bob Kinford

Beyond Stockmanship At Rancho Las Damas

By | Cattle

From my friend Bob Kinford who writes the Bovine Blog. The problem I was asked to solve is one of the reasons many cattlemen do not want to try holistic, planned grazing. During calving season the cows would leave their calves behind on the daily pasture changes, resulting in a…

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Why Process Feed?

By | Cattle

My friend Bob Kinford was discussing feed recently and asked the obvious question – why process feed? As industry we look first to processed feed to solve problems when maybe we just need to get more creative first. These drought conditions are when a person really needs to start herding…

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Natural Cattle Handling – At The Gate

By | Cattle

Today’s Blog is by guest blogger Bob Kinford Bob Kinford is a life long working cowboy, horseman, reduced stress cattle handling expert, humorist, and the producer of the Texas Crossroads Cowboy Gathering; the only cowboy entertainment talent show. He’s also the owner of the 2lazy4U Livestock & Literary Company in…

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