

Cowgirl Chutzpah

By | Cowgirls

My friend Clementine is today’s guest blogger So after I did a blog post last week on the Cowgirl Chicks, I got to thinking about this history of the American cowgirl. Aside from some of the “big” names, like Annie Oakley and Calamity Jane, it doesn’t seem like we talk…

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Snake Oil and Bullets

By | Publications

Today’s post is brought to you by Brian McGovern, the “Brooklyn Magician” who is known for his “Hijinx Magic and Fun Show.” Even though Brian hails from The Big Apple, he knows quite a bit about old-time tricksters. My friend Clementine who writes the Sassy Saloon blog asked him to…

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American Western Landscape Photo Contest

By | Art

Today’s guest blogger is my friend Clementine who writes a blog The Sassy Saloon. Ah, Mother Nature. Her artistry is unparalleled, especially when it comes to one of her favorite palettes: the American west. Close your eyes. C’mon. Go ahead. Now picture this: blazing orange sunsets. Cloudless blue sky. A…

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