

Cattle Behavior Part 2

By | Cattle

I wrote previously about Cattle Behavior. Here more information. 1) Move the cattle slowly. – The famous quote is “the only way to work cattle quickly is slowly”. Patience is a virtue when working cattle. – Putting excessive or inappropriate pressure on the cows usually causes them to NOT do…

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Trichomoniasis Briefings

By | Cattle

Trichomoniasis is a venereal disease of cattle that causes infertility and occasional abortions in cows and heifers. From a TSCRA press release: The Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (TSCRA) announces a series of producer educational programs across the state to help provide cattle producers with info on managing trichomoniasis…

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Cattle Names

By | Cattle

There are boy cows and girl cows. Boy cows are called bulls unless they have been castrated in which case they are called steers. Girl cows before they have had a baby are called heifers. Ones that have had one or more babies are called cows. Young cattle are called…

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By | Cattle

The beef industry in America is big business.There are about 100 million cows in the US but we aren’t the only people raising cows.China for example has about 130 million cows and South America is a major source of beef. Cattle, generically known as cows, came from two basic breeds:…

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