Two Swedes Develop Invisible Bike Helmet

By March 4, 2014 Tack

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Invisible cowboy helmets can’t be far behind!

“With bikes becoming increasingly more popular as people begin to steer away from cars and into cleaner and healthier options, a fresh new idea has come onto the scene with regards to safety. Out with the old and in with the new declares the invisible bike helmet.

“Imagine getting on a bike and not having to wear anything on your head, yet your head is protected. Immediately you are probably thinking you must be in some sort of bubble while riding the bike, but this isn’t the case. Take a moment and look at the picture above, can you figure out how this works before reading on?

“I can say for myself, I didn’t always find it comfortable to wear a helmet when riding a bike, and there is some sort of freedom you lose once you are wearing one. Don’t get me wrong, I feel bike helmets are necessary for safety especially in cities where you battle for the road with other cars. I just feel that they may not always be the best and most practical solution. This is why I’m very intrigued by what this pair of daring Swedish women have come up with.

“Anna Haupt and Terese Alsti have created the worlds first invisible bike helmet. It’s called the Hövding helmet. You truly have to see it it believe it.. hehe. I already know what you are still thinking since you first clicked this article and looked at the image, “..the heck is the helmet??” I said the same thing. It wasn’t until I watched the video below that I realized exactly how this works and I was very impressed by it all.

“The clever pair of inventors studied bicycle accidents one after another and finally came up with a mind bending solution that uses many familiar technologies but in a very creative way. The clever thought that has gone into this project is truly unique. The Hövding helmet works in a way not many would imagine it to and although it is tempting to describe in complete detail how it works, the video truly does a great job of bringing it all together in a suspenseful manner.

“This is your last chance to figure out how this thing works before watching the video, any ideas? If not, click play below and enjoy the world of creativity and innovation. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. Did you figure it out before watching the video? What do you think of the design?”

View the video by clicking HERE (2:30 starts showing the secret)

And you can buy one HERE