Working Ranch Cowboys Association

By September 18, 2009 Competitions/Shows, Cowboys


The Working Ranch Cowboys Association is dedicated to preserving the heritage and lifestyle of the Working Ranch Cowboy. Randy Whipple is the current President and I’m a member.

They sponsor a great ranch rodeo every year to raise money. This year it will be held November 12-15, 2009 in Amarillo, Texas.

Ranch rodeos were commonly held in the “old days” as cowboys and their families from different neighboring ranches would have a day of competition and fun. These still exist today and are great events to attend. The WRCA has started to sanction some of those rodeos as a way of both promoting them and as a feeder to their big annual WRCA rodeo.

WRCA_logoFrom their website:
“In March of 1995, 18 people met in Amarillo Texas to form WRCA. Initially, there were 200 founding members. Although many were ranch owners, foremen and actual ranch cowboys, there were also men and women from other walks of life across the United States who believed in the charter of the WRCA.

“All of our members have a common belief in the ideals and work ethic of the working ranch cowboy, and we want to keep our western heritage alive in our fast-changing world. Many of us grew up with cowboys as role models, and WRCA wants to ensure that future generations have the same opportunity.

“It is our desire to see WRCA grow throughout the world, supporting the ranch cowboy in every country. We all share the same needs, ideals and work ethics, regardless of the language we speak or the nation we call home.”

“The WRCA uses Ranch Rodeo to bring attention to our cause and to generate money for our Foundation. We sanction the finest Ranch Rodeos across North America to bring the top Ranch Teams to the World Championship Ranch Rodeo held in Amarillo Texas the second weekend in November. Help in Times of Crisis – We provide funds for Working Ranch Cowboys and their families in times of need. Our support is confidential and requests generally come from neighbors, family and friends. The Working Ranch Cowboys Foundation has been helping people for 13 years. Scholarships – The WRCF provides school funding support for Working Ranch Cowboys and their children. We currently have 27 Students in our program. The Foundation grows every year as does the number of Students we can support.”

You can get more information at the WRCA website.