From the True West Wyatt Earp’s Vendetta Ride website:
“Two months after the Gunfight near the O.K. Corral, three assassins fire double-barrel shotguns at City Police Chief Virgil Earp outside the Oriental Saloon. Doctors remove several inches of shattered bone from his upper left arm.
“Wyatt, assuming the worst, telegraphs Crawley P. Drake, U.S. marshal for Arizona Territory, a few hours later: Tombstone, Arizona Territory, December 29, 1881 “Virgil Earp was shot by concealed assassins last night. His wounds are fatal. Telegraph me appointment with power to a appoint deputies. Local authorities are doing nothing. The lives of other citizens are threatened.”~ Wyatt Earp ~
“Now deputized, Wyatt assembles a posse of gunmen to protect his family and to hunt the men who shot his brother. On March 18 at 11:00 PM, Morgan Earp, playing pool at Campbell and Hatch’s Saloon, is shot in the back, collapses and dies within the hour.
“With an older brother losing the use of his left arm from a deadly ambush, and a younger brother back-shot to death, most men would run … Not Wyatt Earp!
“Join us as we ride Wyatt’s trail of retribution. Our five-day ride takes us to the Chiricahua, Dragoon and Whetstone Mountains, through the high country around Tombstone, visiting spots where Wyatt and his posse killed Florentio Cruz, had a shoot-out with the Cowboys, killed “Curly Bill” Brocius, plus Johnny Ringo’s gravesite and more – much more!
October 12, 2009. “Horses, tack, food, blanks provided. Reservations Required!!”
For more information click HERE.